The PRODUCTIVITY podcast delivers you time management strategies that work. We give you one productivity tip a day in a short, productive, episode. From the best productivity apps, productivity software, productivity tools, to the best productivity tips that are backed by science to work. After listening you'll be getting your important things done consistently and getting the most out of your time and talent. Your Host Brandon White has been an entrepreneur in the trenches for over two decades. Knowing he'll never get everything done in a day, he's figured out the best productivity strategies and products that are force multipliers to get the most out of a day in business to every day life.
Intrapersonal Communication: The most important job skill you forgot about, but will change everything for you.
Picture this: You’re preparing for a big zoom meeting to present a new project to your whole division.
You log in early to make sure everything is working, then you notice your heart rate picking up, you’re starting to sweat, and negative thoughts begin creeping in.
“Maybe this new project isn’t a good idea. What if I can’t answer a question the boss asks, last time I didn’t have an answer and looked bad. You clearly aren’t cut out to lead this kind of project! Maybe this isn’t a good idea, how can I bail”
Your INTRApersonal Communication skills can turn this around.
Listen to learn how and learn 3 exercises you can start right after listening to perfect your intrapersonal communication skills.
- Read the Weekly EDGE Newsletter to Boost Your Productivity. It's FREE!
Over 24,225 listeners and counting!
- If you have an amazing productivity tool or app that will make people more productive please reach out to us at b at brandon c white dot com
Thanks for listening to the productivity podcast for your daily dose of productivity to be your best self!